第六十一期人口學刊2020.12 出刊



本期《人口學刊》將刊登兩篇「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」 (Taiwan Youth Project)的專題論文。此一專題是由中央研究院社會 學研究所兼任研究員楊文山擔任客座編輯,以使用「臺灣青少年成長 歷程研究」的長期追蹤調查資料庫所撰寫的論文為收稿對象。該資料 為受訪者步入成人初期所進行的三次調查,並以臺北市、新北市,以 及宜蘭地區千禧世代國中生為對象的固定樣本進行追蹤。最後一波調 查為2017年,當時受訪者年齡層為28至34歲間的追蹤樣本。

在「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」長期追蹤調查的兩篇專題論文 中,第一篇是由劉家樺所撰寫的〈高等教育的非金錢回報:論高等教 育與非金錢收入工作特性、健康與福祉及成癮行為之關聯性〉論文。 基本上,教育被視為對勞動收入會有正向的影響,然而,高教普及, 教育不一定帶來高收入。此研究中分析教育非金錢報酬的價值,包括 工作型態、職業聲望和職業社經地位、工作與所學的相關程度等;以 及健康變數包括自評健康狀況、成癮行為等。實證結果顯示,碩博士 學歷者與大學學歷者較能夠擁有社經地位較高的職業,且工作領域較 能與專業相符,而碩博士學歷者的機率又高於大學學歷者。研究結果 與國外發現一致,高學歷者有較高的健康自評,也較不易有成癮行 為。雖然高等教育的金錢報酬有下降的趨勢,但是從其他多面向來考 量教育為個人帶來的報酬,就可以理解為何人們對於高等教育的需求 仍然強烈。

第二篇論文是由馬國勳與伊慶春所撰寫的〈晚生或不生?探討教 育期望對生育年齡的影響〉。兩位作者探討青少年於國中階段的教育 期望,是否會影響其成年的初育年齡(即初次為人父母的年紀),並 檢視父母親對國中子女的教育期望是否對成年子女的初育年齡有所影 響。研究發現青少年階段個人教育期望愈高,其愈可能為了達到特定目標或完成較高學位,而延遲初育年齡。父母親的教育期望影響效果 對男性比較大;對女性而言,期望取得大學文憑,愈可能晚生,但取 得大學文憑後繼續深造,對其生育影響未達統計顯著。此研究跳脫一 般對於晚生或不生的討論,以生命歷程的角度切入,從青少年時期的 教育期望,探討個體生育時間延遲的原因。這篇研究論文,對於政府 的人口政策,具有重要意涵,以長遠的目光看待生育議題,可以作為 政府生育政策的參考。

最後一篇則是翁康容、楊靜利、任軒立的一般研究論文〈從家務 分工看性別平權的知行落差〉。這三位作者嘗試理解性別角色態度的 「知」與從事家務的「行」之間的落差。該研究以2002與2012年臺灣 社會變遷基本調查資料,作者嘗試提問:家務分工與性別角色態度有 何變化,從而可能帶出什麼家務知行樣態與變遷?什麼因素可能影響 家務的知行落差?以及,透過與家務分工影響因素的比較,對於家務 分工可以帶來哪些更深入的認識?該研究分析的具體發現,包括:男 性負擔的家務比例增加,但是主因來自於整體家務從事時間變少,而 非男性家務時數的增加;由於工作時間愈高、收入愈高時,已婚男性 愈不容易、已婚女性愈容易成為「無知行落差—現代」者。最後,教 育雖被認為可促進家務分工的平權,但卻也可能帶來家務知行落差, 唯提高女性收入,才能同時帶來家務分工的平權,並降低知行落差的 出現。

本期亦收錄葉明叡與劉豐佾針對〈婚姻、家庭與生育倫理〉的議 題回應與討論類型的短篇文章。由於當前臺灣生育率低落的主要因素 乃為結婚率降低,而非已婚夫婦決定不生育所致。因此,該文作者提 出「非婚生育政策」是較能夠降低生育障礙的倫理立場,它使生育更 接近一種真正自由的選擇,讓更多想要生育但因為無法達成婚家門檻 的人們選擇生育。

綜合本期三篇文章與一篇回應與討論所提到的教育程度與健康行 為、生育年齡、家務分工及降低生育障礙的討論,都含括在廣義的家庭與人口學的研究領域中。而這些論文主題的多元性也顯示人口學研 究的跨領域特質。《人口學刊》除作為國內提供相關議題研究成果與 政策意涵的重要平臺外,未來更希望可以引領人口學研究的議題設定 與跨領域研究,提供研究者一個更多元的對話空間。本刊自2018年56 期起,恢復原有投稿方式,來稿請繳交一份紙本與電子檔,檔案格式 為word文件檔、pdf檔與投稿信函,請郵寄至「106216臺北市羅斯福 路四段一號國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心人口學刊編輯委員會」 收。聯絡電話:(02)3366-3405,網址為:http://psc.ntu.edu.tw, Email: psc@ntu.edu.tw。感謝您對本刊的支持與愛護,敬請舊雨新知 繼續支持,惠賜大作。


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202012_(61).0001


教育成就 ; 教育非金錢報酬 ; 職業聲望 ; 健康 ; 成癮行為 ; educational attainment ; non-pecuniary returns of higher education ; occupational prestige scores ; health ; addictive behaviors
理論上,教育可被視為一種投資。文獻在討論教育金錢報酬已 累積豐盛的成果,但著墨在高等教育非金錢報酬仍然有限。目前國內 文獻尚未有系統性檢視高等教育的非金錢報酬。本文使用「臺灣青少 年成長歷程研究」資料,檢視學歷與非金錢收入工作特性、健康與福 祉及成癮行為的關係。學歷分為專科以下、大學和碩博士。非金錢收 入工作特性包括目前是否有工作、職業聲望、職業社經地位、工作 福利、工作與所學的相關程度、工作滿意度;健康與福祉涵蓋健康、 快樂、生活滿意度;成癮行為包括抽菸、喝酒。針對二元和連續型被 解釋變數、多元類別被解釋變數,實證模型分別採用一般迴歸模型、 多元邏輯迴歸模型。結果顯示,學歷為大學以上者目前有工作的比 例高於專科以下者。相較專科以下,大學和碩博士者較可能從事職業 聲望、職業社經地位和福利較佳的工作,其工作與所學的專長領域較 為密切。其次,大學和碩博士者在健康評價較高,成癮行為的比例較 低。雖然單獨來看,每一項實證結果無法直接證明高等教育非金錢報 酬的存在,但結合所有實證結果來看,高等教育應有提供勞動市場內 外非金錢收入的好處。這些結果有助於我們理解,即使高等教育的金 錢報酬呈下降趨勢,人們對高等教育需求仍舊強烈。 關鍵詞:教育成就、教育非金錢報酬、職業聲望、健康、成癮行為
In economics theory, education is viewed as a financial investment. The financial returns on education are well documented, but attention to the non-pecuniary returns of higher education is still very limited in the literature. Moreover, this issue has not been systematically studied based on a Taiwanese sample. This paper uses the Taiwan Youth Project to examine the relationships between highest degree and non-pecuniaryrelated job characteristics, health, well-being, and addictive behaviors. Diplomas are classified into below college, bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. The non-pecuniary job characteristics considered in the paper are current job status, occupational prestige scores, occupational socioeconomic status scores, work benefits, to what degree one’s job is related to one’s major, and job satisfaction. The measures of well-being include being happy about one’s life and satisfaction with life. The addictive behaviors are smoking and drinking. The paper uses an ordinary least squares regression model when the dependent variable is binary, but a multinomial logit modelwhen the dependent variable has multiple categories. Results indicate that compared with those without a college degree, individuals with a college degree or above have a higher likelihood of having a job. They are likely to work in a job with a better occupational prestige score and occupational socioeconomic status score, and have more work benefits and a job more closely related to their field of expertise. In addition, their subjective health evaluation is better, and they are less likely to have addictive behaviors relative to those without a college diploma. Taken individually, each piece of the empirical results is not sufficient to prove the existence of nonpecuniary returns of higher education, but combined, all the results suggest that higher education brings non-pecuniary benefits both inside and outside of the labor market. These results help us understand one of the possible reasons behind the phenomenon that even though the pecuniary returns of higher education are declining, people’s demand for higher education is still strong. Keywords: educational attainment, non-pecuniary returns of higher education, occupational prestige scores, health, addictive behaviors

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202012_(61).0002


transition to parenthood ; first birth ; educational expectation ; intergenerational relationships ; life course ; 由青年邁入成年 ; 初生 ; 教育期望 ; 代間關係 ; 生命歷程
過去已有許多研究探討教育與生育兩者的關係,並提供豐 富的研究成果。文獻指出,教育的擴張提升了個人教育地位,改 變其生育意願與生育行為,延遲了「開始為人父母」(entry into parenthood)的年紀,形成「晚生或不生」的現象。然而至今尚未 有足夠的實證研究,探討個人在早期(青少年)階段的教育態度與 抱負如何影響其成年後的生育行為。同樣的,儘管文獻已指出父母 的教育期望會影響子女的學業成就,但是否會進一步影響子女日 後的生育抉擇與行為,相關的研究至今仍付之闕如。本研究合併臺 灣青少年成長歷程研究2000-2017年的資料,探討青少年於國中階 段的教育期望、是否會影響其成年後生第一胎的年齡(即初次為 人父母的年紀),也同時檢視父母對國中子女的教育期望是否影 響其成年後的初育年齡。在控制其他因素後,本文發現:一、教 育期望愈高者愈有可能晚生或不生。二、父母親的影響效果對男性比較大,當父母親期待兒子大學畢業後繼續念研究所或深造, 兒子愈可能晚生或不生。三、對女性來說,如果期望取得大學文 憑,愈可能晚生或不生;但如果女性期望大學畢業後繼續念研究所 或深造,對其生育未有影響。本文將從傳統與現代性別意識規範 兩者的交織影響、高教擴張與職場性別階層化等層面來解釋這些 差異。 關鍵詞:由青年邁入成年、初生、教育期望、代間關係、生命歷程
Social scientists have long been interested in how an increase in educational status affects childbearing intentions and behavior, leading to the postponement of parenthood. What has been missing is information on whether attitudes toward education at earlier ages predict fertility outcomes, and on how parents’ attitudes affect children during their transition to adulthood. Using longitudinal panel data from the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP) between 2000 and 2017, we examine the relationship between adolescents’ educational expectations and the timing of their entry into parenthood. Aside from children’s own attitudes, we also address how parents’ attitudes with respect to a child’s education influence this same timing. We find that higher educational expectations contribute to a delay in parenthood or a decision to have fewer children. In addition, parents’ educational preferences for their child have an independent effect on the child’s timing of entry into parenthood. There are notable gender differences regarding the relationship between educational attitudes and the transition into parenthood. Specifically, parents’ attitudes have greater bearing on men than women. Young adult men whose parents expect them to attend a graduate program and complete a post-bachelor’s degree have the lowest rate of entering parenthood at a younger age. And young adult women with an expectation of receiving a bachelor’s degree (but not a post-bachelor’s degree) are more likely to postpone the timing of transition into parenthood. The implications of these findings are discussed in the conclusion. Keywords: transition to parenthood, first birth, educational expectation, intergenerational relationships, life course


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202012_(61).0003


家務分工 ; 性別角色態度 ; 知行落差 ; division of housework ; gender role attitude ; attitude-behavior gap
雖然社會整體性別角色態度逐漸走向平權,女性的家務負擔仍明 顯高於男性,兩種現象的背離,凸顯了性別角色態度的「知」與從事 家務的「行」之間的落差。本研究以2002與2012年臺灣社會變遷基本 調查資料回答三個問題:第一,家務分工與性別角色態度有何變化, 從而帶出什麼家務知行樣態與變遷?第二,什麼因素影響家務的知行 落差?第三,透過與家務分工影響因素的比較,對於家務分工可以帶 來哪些更深入的認識。研究結果顯示:一、無論男女,性別角色態度 都朝現代開放的方向發展;男性負擔的家務比例增加,但是主因來自 於整體家務從事時間變少,而非男性家務時數的增加;從出生世代的 的角度顯現出「知行落差」擴大,再從「知行落差」內部差異的變 化來看,女性知行落差的現象更不樂觀。二、「時間可得論」與「相 對資源論」對於男性與女性的家務知行樣態皆具解釋力,特別是相對 資源論的證據更為明確。工作時間愈高、收入愈高時,已婚男性愈不 容易、已婚女性愈容易成為「無知行落差─現代」者。三、家務分工 與家務知行樣態影響因素的分析與比較顯示,教育雖被認為可促進家 務分工的平權,但卻也可能帶來家務知行落差,而在檢視的所有變項 中,唯提高女性收入才能同時帶來家務分工的平權也降低知行落差的 出現。 關鍵詞:家務分工、性別角色態度、知行落差
Abstract Past research has shown that gender role attitude plays an important part in the division of domestic work. However, as gender role attitudes become more egalitarian, the division of housework remains traditional, with women still doing most of the work. The two opposite trends signify the attitude-behavior gap of housework. Using data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey 2002 and 2012, we aim to answer three questions. First, how has the division of domestic work, gender role attitude, and the gap between them changed? Second, what are the factors influencing the attitude-behavior gap? Third, what can we learn through the comparison of the factors influencing the division of housework and the attitudebehavior gap? The results show that (1) gender role attitudes are becoming more egalitarian for both men and women. Men’s share of housework is rising due to a decrease in total housework time, not their increase time on housework. The attitude-behavior gap has worsened more for women than men, due to a higher increase of women possessing modern gender roleattitudes and a higher share of housework. (2) Available time and relative resources theories, especially the latter, explain the attitude-behavior types both for men and women. Higher work time and income lead to a decrease and increase for men and women respectively in being the “no attitudebehavior gap modern” type. (3) Although education has been recognized as bringing an egalitarian housework division, it also brings an attitudebehavior gap. Among all the factors examined, women’s income shows a crucial influence on both bringing gender egalitarianism to housework and decreasing the attitude-behavior gap at the same time. Keywords: division of housework, gender role attitude, attitude-behavior gap


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202012_(61).0004


人口政策 ; 生育政策 ; 超低生育率 ; 應用倫理 ; 公共衛生倫理 ; population policy ; pro-natalist policy ; lowest-low fertility ; applied ethics ; public health ethics
近期的人口學研究多已指出,臺灣生育率低落,主要因素乃為結 婚率降低,而非已婚夫婦決定不生育所致。應對此問題之生育促進政 策,可能基於兩種不同的倫理想像,分別是基於「婚姻—家庭」預設 的「擁婚生育政策」及不需此預設的「非婚生育政策」。本文論證, 「非婚生育政策」是較能夠降低生育障礙的倫理立場,它使生育更接 近一種真正自由的選擇,讓更多想要生育但因為無法達成婚家門檻的 人們選擇生育。 關鍵詞:人口政策、生育政策、超低生育率、應用倫理、公共衛生倫理
Recent studies have shown that the low marriage rate, instead of the widely presumed unwillingness to procreate among married couples, is the major contributor to the low fertility rate in Taiwan. The policies addressing this issue may be grounded on two ethical imaginations, namely the “promarriage account,” with the assumption that marriage, the formation of family, and procreation should be bonded together, and the “non-marriage account,” without this assumption. This essay argues that the “non-marriage account” is an ethically preferable alternative, as it could make procreation a more genuine and autonomous choice, facilitating procreation by more people who would not otherwise overcome the marriage-family barriers under the “pro-marriage account.” Keywords: population policy, pro-natalist policy, lowest-low fertility, applied ethics, public health ethics