第六十七期人口學刊2023.12 出刊



第二篇研究論文“Usefulness of the Mainstream Market Value in Studying the Educational Attainments of Immigrant Stocks: A Case Study of Seven Asian Immigrant Stocks in the United States”,作者為加拿大麥克馬斯特大學地球環境與社會學院廖高禮名譽教授、中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心林季平副研究員、高雄醫學大學醫學社會學與社會工作學系教授暨高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院臨床醫學研究部兼任研究員劉千嘉。本文提出一種全新的教育成就衡量指標:「主流市場價值(Mainstream market value, MMV)」指標,以替代Lieberson建立的net difference(ND)指標。研究採用美國調查資料,針對七個亞裔國家進行分析,以展示該指標更能準確預測各族群的實質工資,並提出該七個亞裔移民族群在教育成就上的發現與闡釋其社會意涵。整體而言,本文在研究方法上有所創新,也能為美國亞裔移民之教育及收入等相關研究提供幫助。

第三篇研究紀要〈以Pierre Bourdieu之文化資本概念分析跨國大型商業精子銀行之捐贈者檔案組構〉,作者為獨立研究者、新北市立北大高級中學孫佳婷老師。本文以Pierre Bourdieu提出的文化資本概念作為詮釋角度,採用檔案分析方法,分析兩間丹麥的跨國大型商業精子銀行如何以其捐贈者檔案建構理想捐贈者的圖像。研究最終認為,跨國大型商業精子銀行對捐贈者檔案的呈現及選擇使生殖消費成為資本傳續的媒介。對此詮釋結果,本文並提出政策面的建議,可作為政府未來制定人工生殖相關規範時之參考。

綜合而言,本期涵蓋了不同類型的文章。在產前衛教與照護、人工生殖等生育政策面向具有參考價值,在研究方法上也囊括量化與質性研究,並在方法論上提出創新的教育成就衡量指標,提供讀者在人口相關議題上,有更加多元的角度與學術觀點。未來本刊持續作為國內提供相關議題研究成果與政策意涵的重要平臺,並期望能引領人口學研究的議題設定與跨領域研究,提供研究者一個更多元的對話空間。因應電子化時代,本刊投稿方式以繳交電子檔為主,檔案格式為word文件檔、pdf檔。與編輯部的聯絡E-mail: psc@ntu.edu.tw;以及電話:(02)3366-3405。感謝您對本刊的支持與愛護,敬請舊雨新知繼續支持,惠賜大作。


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202312_(67).0001


妊娠危險因子、先天缺陷、產前健康照護、婦嬰險、廣義線性模型、pregnancy risk factors, congenital defects, prenatal health care, maternity and infant health insurance policies, generalized linear model
產婦高齡化趨勢下,商業保險中的婦嬰險可被發展來為產婦及新 生兒提供額外醫療保障。然而除了產婦年齡與保險年度資料外,婦嬰 險的定價與風險管理還需要考慮許多重要的風險因子。本研究乃藉由 「衛生福利資料科學中心」資料,以全民健康保險資料庫為基礎,全 面探討我國產婦是否患有妊娠危險因子與其新生兒患有先天性缺陷的 關聯性。研究結果發現,產婦年齡與新生兒先天性缺陷率會呈二次曲 線關係,並且產婦患有妊娠危險因子是解釋新生兒先天性缺陷率的最 重要因子。除此之外,儘管新生兒先天性缺陷率逐年降低,但居住在 非六都的產婦,其新生兒先天性缺陷率也會較高。
Given the trend of maternal aging, health insurance for maternity and infants can be developed through commercial insurance to provide medical protection for mothers and the possibility of newborns suffering from congenital defects. However, in addition to maternal ages and insurance year data, many important risk factors still need to be considered in deciding the pricing and risk management of maternal and infant insurance policies. This study has been constructed on the basis of the National Health Insurance Research Database from the Health and Welfare Data Science Center of Taiwan to extensively explore the relationship between maternal pregnancy risk factors and neonatal congenital defects. The results show a quadratic relationship between maternal ages and neonatal defect rates, and maternal pregnancy risks contribute the most in explaining the neonatal defect rate. In addition, mothers living outside the six special municipalities also have a higher neonatal congenital defect rate, though its annual tendency has been decreased gradually.
Keywords: pregnancy risk factors, congenital defects, prenatal health care, maternity and infant health insurance policies, generalized linear model

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202312_(67).0002


美國社區調查、亞裔移民、代間轉型、跨國移入、主流市場價值、American Community Survey, Asian immigrant, intergenerational transition, immigration, Mainstream market value
本文利用2015-2019年美國社區調查的個體資料,建構「主流市場價值」(Mainstream market value, MMV)來替代Lieberson的net difference(ND)作為衡量教育成就的指標,運用七個亞裔(臺灣、印度、中國、韓國、日本、菲律賓、越南)移民存量的實例,來展示MMV在研究以下兩個課題的有效性:一、教育成就對實質工資的預測能力;二、教育成就的代間轉移。本研究除了證明MMV比Lieberson的ND指標更能準確預測實質工資,亦包括以下主要發現。首先,移民代間教育成就的改變,朝向比主流社群的教育成就更高的水準收斂。第二,雖然越南移民多數是教育水準很低的貧窮難民及其親屬,他們在美國出生的後代並未淪入貧民區文化,反而在教育成就和實質工資上不僅超過主流社群,亦超越了菲律賓裔和日本裔移民後代。他們卓越的成就值得當其他少數族群脫離貧困的借鏡。第三,七個移民群體中的每一群之代間教育成就的改變,皆超過了性別平等。這些發現意味著,亞裔移民族群選擇性地保存了來源國的價值體系,大多保持著苦幹精神和對孩子教育的奉獻精神,但似乎放棄了母國的男性偏好文化。
Keywords: 美國社區調查、亞裔移民、代間轉型、跨國移入、主流市場價值
Using the microdata of the 2015-2019 American Community Survey, this paper creates the Mainstream market value (MMV) as an alternative to Lieberson's net difference (ND) for measuring educational attainment, and uses the examples of seven Asian (Taiwanese, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, and Vietnamese) immigrant stocks to demonstrate the usefulness of MMV for studying the predictive power of educational attainment on real wage as well as the intergenerational transitions in educational attainment. In addition to showing that MMV is stronger than ND in predicting real wage, we obtained the following results. First, the intergenerational transitions of these immigrant stocks in educational attainment converged towards a level much high than that of the Mainstream. Second, the stock of Vietnamese immigrants, who came to the U.S. mostly as refugees with low educational attainment and their relatives, was not assimilated into the ghetto culture. Their U.S.-born descendants surpassed not only the Mainstream but also their Filipino and Japanese counterparts in both educational attainment and real wage. Their impressive achievement is worth the emulation by other minority groups that are trapped in a cycle of poverty. Third, for every one of the seven immigrant stocks, the intergenerational transition in educational attainment surpassed gender equality. We infer from these findings that these Asian immigrants were selective preservers of the value systems of their source countries. They mostly maintained strong work ethic and dedication to their children's education but seemed to have discarded male preference.
Keywords: American Community Survey, Asian immigrant, intergenerational transition, immigration, Mainstream market value


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.202312_(67).0003


區判、類型化、文化資本、精子捐贈者、跨國大型商業精子銀行、distinction, categorization, cultural capital, sperm donor, international commercial sperm bank (ICSB)
跨國大型商業精子銀行(international commercial sperm bank, ICSB)是當前獲取第三方供體精子的重要機構,其透過網站中豐富的捐贈者檔案與文本資料,影響了使用者的生殖消費決策與各地的生殖文化,但既有研究仍缺乏對此議題之探索。因此,本文目的在於廓清ICSB捐贈者檔案之內容與資料組織結構。本文主要採用檔案分析方法,選擇最早創立且目前規模最大的二間丹麥ICSB網站為研究場域,以Pierre Bourdieu之文化資本概念,探究ICSB之捐贈者檔案與其篩選系統。研究發現,ICSB在網站中,採用了與文化資本有關的元素來建構捐贈者圖像,對捐贈者檔案所進行的類型化配置,意在對應其潛在使用者的文化資本與社會位置,以促發使用者的想像並強化其生殖消費實踐,其過程顯現了Pierre Bourdieu「區判」概念的內涵。基於ICSB的敘事與價值選擇,生殖消費已成為一種資本傳續的媒介。本文預期將能拓展文化資本概念應用的場域,並藉文化資本指出生殖消費的複雜性。
International commercial sperm banks (ICSB) play a significant role in accessing third-party donor sperm. Through their websites, which provide extensive donor profiles and materials, they influence users' decisions regarding reproductive consumption and global reproductive cultures. However, existing research has not thoroughly explored this topic. Therefore, this paper aims to clarify the content and structure of donor profiles on ICSB websites. This study primarily employs document analysis and selects two websites from the earliest established and largest Danish ICSBs as the field of study, utilizing Pierre Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital to explore donor profiles and the selection systems of ICSBs. This study reveals that ICSBs incorporate elements associated with cultural capital to present donor images on their websites. The categorization of donor profiles aims to correspond with the cultural capital and social positions of potential users, stimulating their imagination, and reinforcing their reproductive consumption practices. This process embodies the connotations of Bourdieu's concept of 'distinction.' Based on the narratives and value selections of ICSBs, reproductive consumption has evolved into a medium for capital transfer. This paper anticipates expanding the application fields of the concept of cultural capital and highlighting the complexity of reproductive consumption through cultural capital.
Keywords: distinction, categorization, cultural capital, sperm donor, international commercial sperm bank (ICSB)