第五十六期人口學刊2018.06 出刊


本期共刊登六篇文章,兩篇研究論文、一篇為研究紀要、兩篇學 術活動紀實與一篇書評。第一篇研究論文〈臺灣日治時期的家庭結構 與分家現象—新竹四個街庄的分析〉,作者為元智大學社會暨政策 科學學系李俊豪副教授、中央研究院社會所楊文山研究員與國立中山 大學社會學系莊英章榮譽講座教授。本文透過「臺灣日治時期戶口調 查簿資料庫(1906-1945)」分析家庭的分家現象,發現雙親在世得 以延緩其兒子分家的時間點,其中父親的存歿對於延緩分家的影響力 又大於母親。再者,出生序越後的男性繼承為戶長的機會越小,而婆 媳不和以及妯娌衝突也是分家的導火線之一。這些結果對分家行為研 究深具啟發性。

第二篇研究論文〈臺灣樂齡學習需求人口與樂齡學習中心資源配 置差異分析:應用空間群聚與地理可近性方法評估〉,作者為中山醫 學大學醫學系講師兼附設醫院肝膽腸胃科蔡明璋主任、中山醫學大學 醫學資訊學系曾明性教授,以及中山醫學大學醫學社會暨社會工作學 系吳慧卿助理教授。本文以2009年及2017年樂齡學習中心為資源提供 點,各村里55歲以上非失能人口為需求人口,透過空間群聚、線性相 關與三階段地理可近性分析方法,發現樂齡學習中心的資源供給量並 未符合人口需求,「一鄉鎮一中心」政策未將同一縣市,各村里卻有 不同人口密度的異質性納入評估,對政策成效將會有一定影響。

第三篇研究紀要〈高齡家庭與高齡照顧者的特性:2010年人口與 住宅普查資料的應用〉,作者為高雄醫學大學醫學社會學與社會工作 學系劉千嘉副教授。作者使用2010年人口與住宅普查資料,將家庭類 型分為三種,高齡單人家戶、高齡夫妻家戶與高齡親子家戶,其中高 齡親子家戶有47.6%的照顧需求,多為子代照顧失能親代;高齡夫妻 家戶則有12.5%的照護需求,多為妻子照顧丈夫。高齡單人家戶雖僅 有7.3%的照顧需求,然未來臺灣若無法改善低生育率及提高結婚率, 高齡單人戶將增加,其健康風險與照顧需求也將成為社會的難題。

第四篇〈衛生福利政策專題討論「我國人口政策與少子化因應 策略之省思—移民政策的推動與再省思」學術活動紀實〉,作者為 臺北醫學大學衛生政策暨健康照護研究中心陳再晉主任、鐘珮純辦事 員、陳冠文辦事員、林廷育辦事員。刊載臺北醫學大學衛生政策暨健 康照護研究中心於2018年1月31日舉辦衛生福利政策專題論壇:「我 國人口政策與少子化因應策略之省思」之精華,針對「我國人口現況 與推估」、「移民政策理論與趨勢」與「我國移民現況與討論」進行 分析與說明。

第五篇〈「跨國婚姻的組成差異與生育影響:南韓與臺灣經 驗」演講紀實〉,作者為臺灣人口學會助理呂采穎。本文為2018年 4月13、14日,假國立政治大學綜合院館舉辦2018臺灣人口學會年會 暨「人口結構的轉變與轉機:年齡、性/別與族群」學術研討會, 南韓漢陽大學社會學系教授暨亞洲人口學會理事長的Doo-Sub Kim教 授發表演講之節錄,並另於4月12日在中央研究院亞太研究中心發表 演講。兩場演講內容針對跨國婚姻的不同面向進行討論。最後,本 期也收錄《移動之民:海外華人研究的新視野》(I’m Migrant: New Perspectives in the Studies of Oversea Chinese)之書評,作者為東吳大 學社會學系鄭得興副教授,透過作者深入淺出的分析與評閱,更有助 於讀者閱讀全書。

整體而言,本期涵蓋了不同類型的文章。不僅在空間上跨出臺 灣,結合多國的研究視角,在時間軸上也回溯歷史的發展脈絡,提供 讀者在人口相關議題上,有更加多元的角度與學術觀點。人口學刊做 為國內專門以刊登國內外人口研究專業論文、研究紀要與相關訊息之 學術性期刊,期盼本刊能成為一個學術、政策與公民對話的平臺,並 提昇全民對人口議題的暸解與關心。

本刊自2018年56期起,恢復原有投稿方式,來稿請繳交一份紙 本與電子檔,檔案格式為word文件檔、pdf檔與投稿信函,請郵寄至 「10617臺北市羅斯福路四段一號國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心 人口學刊編輯委員會」收。
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DOI : 10.6191/JPS.201806_56.0001


日治時期 ; 家庭結構 ; 分家 ; Taiwan under Japanese Rule ; family structure ; family division
家庭是傳統漢人社會的重要基礎社會單位,家庭結構則是漢人社會的核心研究課題之一。粗略而言,漢人家庭可分為核心、主幹,與聯合家庭(或稱擴展家庭)三種基本型態。姑且不論其對錯,由父母及其未婚與已婚子女,與已婚子女之妻兒所組成的聯合家庭常被認為是漢人社會的主要家庭型態。而「分家」常使得家庭型態由某一類型 轉換成另一種型態較小、人數較少的類型。本研究以「臺灣日治時期戶口調查簿資料庫(1906-1945)」資料做為實證研究基礎,研究者企圖探討哪些家庭成員(特別是男子)會步入分家的過程?分家時,家戶又是處在何種狀態?具體而言,研究者採用量化研究方法,探討個人性因素與家庭人口結構特徵對於個人分家發生風險的影響效果。無論是以簡單的分家發生率或是複雜的歷史事件分析方法研究者均發現,家戶男性個人的出生序與其婚姻狀態,以及家戶內家庭結構(例如:已婚兄弟所占之比例,與父母的存歿與居住狀態)明顯影響其分家行為發生的可能性。然而,本研究的發現與二十世紀後半葉的研究結果略有不同,而這些差異主要根源於社會結構的轉變;分家行為伴隨社會結構的轉型而改變發生的時間點、形式與步驟。
The family is the fundamental unit of social organization in traditional Han Chinese society. Family structure therefore is a core topic in Sinology. General speaking, there are three family types: conjugal, stem, and extended forms. The extended form consisting of a couple, their married and unmarried sons and daughters, and the third-generation offspring has traditionally been thought of as the ideal type of family. A family starts with a conjugal unit, and further develops into a stem and/or an extended form. Family division is a process that usually transforms a family into a smaller type with fewer family members. In the present study, the researchers are particularly interested in learning who divided themselves from their original families and created their own, and who did not. Data are drawn from the "Taiwan Historical Household Registers Database, 1906-1945 (THHRD)." Because Taiwan generally is a patriarchal and patrilineal society, we particularly investigate the likelihood of family division of male actors. Specifically, the research focuses on the factors at the individual level and those representing family structure, and explores their effects on the likelihood of family division. Based on two data analysis approaches, including the prevalence of family division by individual and family structure characteristics, and the event history analysis approach, we find that, first, personal demographic characteristics such as birth order and marital status matter. Second, the proportion of married male siblings within a family and the presence of parents are also associated with the likelihood of family division. However, our findings are slightly different from the research in the second half of the 20th century. Our explanation for the disparity is because of the change of social and economic structure which affects the timing and the process of family division.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.201806_56.0002


活躍老化 ; 樂齡學習人口 ; 樂齡學習中心 ; 空間群聚 ; 地理可近性 ; active aging ; elderly learning population ; elderly learning center ; spatial clustering ; geographic accessibility
Improving the elderly's motivation to learn will help achieve the goals of "healthy aging" and "active aging." Improving the quality of life of the elderly requires not only medical care but also increased opportunities for social participation through social activities aiming to improve mental flexibility, and linking social support networks, thereby enhancing mental health. Therefore, the geographic accessibility of learning resources is one of the most important factors influencing the elderly's ability to participate socially. In this study, methods of spatial clustering analysis and linear correlation were applied, and a new three-step method for assessing geographic accessibility was proposed. All data were derived from the Taiwanese government's open data of 2009 and 2017. The data on resource supply points were based on the number of elderly learning centers. The amount of the population in need of elderly learning centers was calculated from the non-disabled population aged 55 years or older in 2017. Results of this study showed an inconsistency between the density of the population in need of learning centers and the geographical distribution of elderly learning centers. Firstly, according to spatial clustering analysis and linear correlation, the correlation coefficient was lower in 2017 than in 2009. Secondly, the lowest resource ownership rates of elderly learning centers were in the larger cities (Taipei City, Taoyuan City, New Taipei City, Chiayi City, and Hsinchu City). The largest average values of the nearest distances to services were in the countryside (Taitung County, Nantou County, Hualien County, Chiayi County, and Yilan County). These results showed that policies should be redesigned based on different counties' situations. This study was based on open governmental data and proposed an easy assessment method with no need for complicated network analysis. Our methodology and results illustrate possibilities for elderly learning policy planning and implementation to reduce elderly learning centers' resourceallocation inequality and enhance the geographic accessibility of elderly learning.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.201806_56.0003


失能長者 ; 高齡家庭 ; 高齡照顧者 ; 人口普查 ; disabled elderly ; elderly family ; elderly caregiver ; census
Taiwan became an aged society in 2018, and the phenomenon of aging of caregivers has also become more common. However, the demographic attributes of family members, disabled family members, caregivers in elderly families, and the characteristics of elderly families have not been systematically discussed yet. Based on the 2010 population and household census data, this paper focuses on the elderly, and depicts their potential living situations by examining the state of individual disabilities and family kinship within households. The research findings are as follows: (1) Elderly people in elderly families account for about 47.5% of the total elderly population. Compared to other types of elderly families, elderly persons in single families are generally much healthier and have lower degrees of disability; (2) The predominant form of care is the wife taking care of her husband; this demonstrates the phenomenon of feminization of caregiving in husband-and-wife families; (3) The greater the parent-child family size is, the less care burden the family endures. Therefore, the care burden is the heaviest in one-parent-one-child families; and moreover, (4) Elderly parent- child families also contain oldest-old parent to take care of the youngold children and may indicate higher care demand in the future. This is an exploratory study aiming to assess the risk states of caregivers among elderly families. The findings hopefully can enhance the well-being of elderly people and assist the government in allocating local long-term care.


No abstract available.
No abstract available.


No abstract available.