第三十二期人口學刊2006.06 出刊
族群通婚 ; 婚姻配對 ; 擇偶過程 ; 結婚 ; Ethnic intermarriage ; Assortative mating ; Mating process ; Marriage
The main purpose of this study is to explore the factors that affect the likelihood of ethnic intermarriage in Taiwan. While past research has found individual characteristics and family background as the significant determinants of ethnic intermarriage little is known about the effects of mating process. To investigate the determinants of ethnic intermarriage, this study adopts a supply-side perspective of micro-level interaction opportunities. In particular, this paper focuses on two aspects of mating process: the contexts where a couple meets each other and the degree of autonomy as one makes the decision of marriage. We also discuss the effect of one’s education on the decision of marrying someone from a different ethnic group. A national sampling dataset used in the analysis come from the Fourth Wave of the Taiwan Social Change Survey. The results indicate that marriage autonomy and contact settings both have substantial effects in the formation of ethnic intermarriage. Specifically, the contexts where a couple meets each other, such as the schools where one attends, the workplaces where one pursues his or her career, help enhance theodds of ethnic intermarriage. Moreover, the stronger the marriage autonomy one has, the more likely for one to cross the ethnic boundary. The analytic results remind us that we should refrain from exaggerating the role of education in the ethnic intermarriage. The findings also highlight the exclusiveness of higher education and the advantage of Mainlanders. The results also support the macro-structural approach that minority ethnic groups, such as Hakka, tend to have greater opportunities of ethnic outmarriage. We do not have abundant evidence to support the statement that Mainlanders have a higher probability of outmarriage.
性別 ; 跨國主義 ; 一點五代移民 ; 臺灣移民 ; 澳洲 ; Gender ; Transnatinalism ; 1.5 generation ; Taiwanese migrants ; Australia
透過2001 年澳洲普查資料以及針對20 位移居澳洲布里斯本一點五代臺灣移民的深度訪談後發現:受到傳統文化(尤其是家庭觀念及家長態度)、臺澳的社會環境以及同儕影響,臺灣出生一點五代年輕移民的跨國性思維特徵明顯,這使得不同性別在移居地所展現的行為特徵與決策有所異同。舉例而言,家長與子女均會受傳統性別觀念以及考慮未來就業出路影響,去評估所就讀的科系是否符合性別角色及當前臺、澳二地未來就業市場需求,其結果導致男性偏重理工科系,而女性偏重人文科系。從事的職業類別對臺灣人而言,是一種社會自我認同的表徵,尤其是男性。男性面對在家庭、社會及自我壓力的傳統觀念束縛下,要找到自己認為合適工作的空間及彈性比較小。而女性比男性容易放下身段,而且也比較能接受轉換職業,因此對於行業與職業的選擇較為寬廣且彈性。
透過2001 年澳洲普查資料以及針對20 位移居澳洲布里斯本一點五代臺灣移民的深度訪談後發現:受到傳統文化(尤其是家庭觀念及家長態度)、臺澳的社會環境以及同儕影響,臺灣出生一點五代年輕移民的跨國性思維特徵明顯,這使得不同性別在移居地所展現的行為特徵與決策有所異同。舉例而言,家長與子女均會受傳統性別觀念以及考慮未來就業出路影響,去評估所就讀的科系是否符合性別角色及當前臺、澳二地未來就業市場需求,其結果導致男性偏重理工科系,而女性偏重人文科系。從事的職業類別對臺灣人而言,是一種社會自我認同的表徵,尤其是男性。男性面對在家庭、社會及自我壓力的傳統觀念束縛下,要找到自己認為合適工作的空間及彈性比較小。而女性比男性容易放下身段,而且也比較能接受轉換職業,因此對於行業與職業的選擇較為寬廣且彈性。
The purpose of this research is to analyse, through gender roles, the lives of immigrated Taiwanese youths in Australia. Four particular facets of their lifestyles will be explored, these being education, occupation, social interaction and marriage. A key goal of this research is to observe and understand the transnational values, ideologies and perceptions these young immigrants display, and the facets of their lives in which these distinct culture identities will become apparent.
The primary data sources of this research are derived from the 2001 Australian Census and twenty in-depth interviews of Taiwanese youths in Brisbane. From the results of the studies, many significant issues became apparent. It was found that in tertiary fields of study, males were much more inclined towards science and engineering related fields, while females generally chose fields in humanities and services. These distinctly different fields can be attributed to the traditional gender roles imposed by the cultural values of Taiwan and their parents who advocate them,as well as their social environment in Australia. It was also apparent that the field of study selected by these immigrated youths determined their future occupations. For both genders, perceived identity and social position were a significant factor in the selection of occupations. It could be concluded that the males feel that their family duties and personal expectations are greater than females, causing them to have a more limited occupational choice.
In general, the differences between male and female attitudes toward social relationships were minute, however when the topic of marriage arose, notable differences between the two genders arose. When asked about prospective spouses, the male interviewees generally shared a preference for Taiwanese women or Asian women who have similar cultural experiences as themselves. This preference was found to be effected by the issue of how a prospective spouse’ language and culture would impact their families. Conversely, female interviewees exhibited more flexibility and acceptance to the notion of a foreign or Australian spouse.
The primary data sources of this research are derived from the 2001 Australian Census and twenty in-depth interviews of Taiwanese youths in Brisbane. From the results of the studies, many significant issues became apparent. It was found that in tertiary fields of study, males were much more inclined towards science and engineering related fields, while females generally chose fields in humanities and services. These distinctly different fields can be attributed to the traditional gender roles imposed by the cultural values of Taiwan and their parents who advocate them,as well as their social environment in Australia. It was also apparent that the field of study selected by these immigrated youths determined their future occupations. For both genders, perceived identity and social position were a significant factor in the selection of occupations. It could be concluded that the males feel that their family duties and personal expectations are greater than females, causing them to have a more limited occupational choice.
In general, the differences between male and female attitudes toward social relationships were minute, however when the topic of marriage arose, notable differences between the two genders arose. When asked about prospective spouses, the male interviewees generally shared a preference for Taiwanese women or Asian women who have similar cultural experiences as themselves. This preference was found to be effected by the issue of how a prospective spouse’ language and culture would impact their families. Conversely, female interviewees exhibited more flexibility and acceptance to the notion of a foreign or Australian spouse.
長期照護 ; 家庭照顧者 ; 照顧負荷 ; 使用意願 ; Long-term care ; Caregiver ; Caregiver burden ; Willingness to use
This study is based upon the conceptual framework of Andersen model to examine the factors affecting selection strategies of long-term care service for the elderly, which include nursing home, assisted living, community service and home care. Data was collected from a survey of 1,789 caregivers live in San-Yin area and Chia-I city in Taiwan. Results of multiple logistic regressions with control of other variables indicated that responsibility expectation and care loading are key factors for service selection. Previously stated, physical need of disabled population was the most important predictor of service using for the disable. Current results additionally indicated that care loading and expectation of responsibility of caregivers were strongly correlated with service selection, especially when physical loading, emotional and time pressure occurred, and family responsibility was not necessarily insisted. In general, family care is still a mainstream of long-term care model. However, caregivers will expect assistance from formal service systems while they are suffering a considerable pressure. This expectation will elevate rapidly with the increasing need of long-term care. The government should develop various long-term care resources to support the disabled and their caregivers for releasing living burden.
本研究引用Andersen 健康行為模式,探討功能障礙者之照顧者對機構式、照顧住宅、社區式及居家式四類長期照護服務方案的使用意願及其影響因子,資料來源為行政院建構長期照護體系先導計畫實驗社區之前測資料。根據台北縣三峽鶯歌地區及嘉義市1,789 位樣本調查,進行對數複迴歸分析,控制其他重要變項後,前傾因素:照顧者對照顧責任的看法,以及需求因素:照顧者主觀感受的照顧負荷,兩項為影響照顧者使用各項服務的關鍵因素。檢視過去服務使用態度的研究結果,功能障礙者的需求因素向來被視為是重要預測因素;然而本研究結果顯示功能障礙者的需求並不必然影響照顧者對服務使用意願,關鍵是照顧者對照顧責任的看法及對照顧負荷的察覺程度。當照顧者表達較高的照顧負荷,特別是身體、情緒及個人時間負荷,且認為照顧不僅是家庭責任時,對服務使用意願有顯著影響。家庭照顧雖為我國目前長期照護的主要模式,但當照顧者面對照顧壓力時,十分期待來自家庭以外服務支持;而該項期許勢必隨著長期照護需求的遽增而擴大,政府勢必需要儘速發展各項長期照護服務資源,以滿足功能障礙者及其照顧者之照顧需求。
Extended family ; Informal social support,Family change ; 擴大家庭 ; 非正式社會支持 ; 家庭變遷
In response to industrialization and urbanization, changes in the form and function of family seem inevitable. In the study of family decline, a new typology of family is advanced that is based on kin relationships beyond co-residence boundaries. Four subtypes of family are distinguished according to contact frequency and spatial proximity, namely, the neo-extended, dispersed, alienated, and detached sub-types of family. Analyzing data collected from the fourth round of Taiwan Social Change Survey, we have identified the main determinants in the formation of a neoextended family, which include respondents’ socioeconomic status (education, wages, homeownership, religiousness), degree of adherence to traditional value, and whether or not family property has been divided. Moreover, we have found that most respondents belong to the neo-extended family, and exchanges between the respondents and their close relatives are relatively high. These findings point out that family function has been maintained despite of the progress of the nuclearization, due mainly to frequent contact and residential proximity between non-coresiding families.