第二十八期人口學刊2004.06 出刊
婚育離職 ; 勞動再參與 ; 已婚婦女勞動參與轉型 ; Married women`s employment patterns ; Changes of employment reentry pattern ; Shorter employment interruption
行政院民國89 年「台灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」顯示,已婚婦女勞動再參與行為正面臨重要轉變,不僅因結婚及生育離職婦女的復職率創下二十年的最高水準,年輕世代婦女平均離職時間也明顯縮短。相較於過往多半在子女進小學或國中後才重返勞動市場,年輕一代婦女在學齡前子女階段便重返就業的勞動再參與模式,展現了一種不同的家庭與工作制度連結模式。
本文分析「台灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」原始個體資料與「經濟發展與婦女家庭地位:台灣的家庭結構、婦女就業型態與家庭權力結構之關聯」50 對夫妻深度訪談資料,一方面由82 年與89 年官方調查資料的比較,勾勒台灣已婚婦女勞動再參與經驗的變遷,另一方面以深度訪談資料討論支撐台灣已婚婦女得以二度就業或提早重返勞動市場的原因。
研究發現,從民國82 年到民國89 年,二度就業的確是台灣已婚婦女勞動參與轉型過程中最重要的現象,比率從13.7%上升為18.3%。挑選二度就業婦女分析發現,隨時代轉移,「延後至生育階段離職、提早重返」是目前二度就業婦女的重要行為特徵,平均離職月數由82 年的102.5 個月縮短為89 年的94.3 個月。婦女提早重返職場趨勢在年輕世代更明顯,平均離職月數從85.4 個月縮短為70.6 個月。
本文分析「台灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」原始個體資料與「經濟發展與婦女家庭地位:台灣的家庭結構、婦女就業型態與家庭權力結構之關聯」50 對夫妻深度訪談資料,一方面由82 年與89 年官方調查資料的比較,勾勒台灣已婚婦女勞動再參與經驗的變遷,另一方面以深度訪談資料討論支撐台灣已婚婦女得以二度就業或提早重返勞動市場的原因。
研究發現,從民國82 年到民國89 年,二度就業的確是台灣已婚婦女勞動參與轉型過程中最重要的現象,比率從13.7%上升為18.3%。挑選二度就業婦女分析發現,隨時代轉移,「延後至生育階段離職、提早重返」是目前二度就業婦女的重要行為特徵,平均離職月數由82 年的102.5 個月縮短為89 年的94.3 個月。婦女提早重返職場趨勢在年輕世代更明顯,平均離職月數從85.4 個月縮短為70.6 個月。
The last two decades have seen major changes in the married women’s employment reentry pattern. Using the data “Survey of Women's Marriage, Fertility and Employment in Taiwan” conducted by DGBAS, this research examined the changes of labor force reentry between 1993 and 2000 of women who had ever quitted job because of marriage or childbirth.
Findings show that women still exit the labor force market for family reasons, however more and more women reentry and seem to have spent a shorter interruption time than past. Rising labor force participation rates of women with under-6-year-old children and shorter employment interruptions mean that the linkage between work and family has changed gradually among young married women.
The analysis of 50 couple depth-interviews conducted in 1995 illustrated at the last section points out factors facilitating married women’s employment reentry. The importance of greater personal human capital resource, family economic needs and the development of kindergarten system in Taiwan positively affects young women’s reentry and shorter interruptions. The paper concludes the need to focus on the work-family interface is greater than ever.
Findings show that women still exit the labor force market for family reasons, however more and more women reentry and seem to have spent a shorter interruption time than past. Rising labor force participation rates of women with under-6-year-old children and shorter employment interruptions mean that the linkage between work and family has changed gradually among young married women.
The analysis of 50 couple depth-interviews conducted in 1995 illustrated at the last section points out factors facilitating married women’s employment reentry. The importance of greater personal human capital resource, family economic needs and the development of kindergarten system in Taiwan positively affects young women’s reentry and shorter interruptions. The paper concludes the need to focus on the work-family interface is greater than ever.
Emotional attachment ; Residential satisfaction ; Mobility propensity ; Residential satisfaction model ; 情感依附 ; 居住滿意 ; 遷移意向 ; 居住滿意模型
Drawing on J. Wolpert’s stress-threshold notion, Speare and his associates have proposed a mobility decision-making model in which residential satisfaction serves as a mediating variable between background characteristics and mobility propensity and behavior. Several studies have employed this residential satisfaction model to further examine mobility desire, expectation, adjustment, and behavior. There is no consensus, however, about the intervening role of residential satisfaction in the mobility decision-making process. With respect to background variables, few have taken into account the influence of sentiment or emotional attachment on mobility decision making. This study attempts to examine the intervening effect of residential satisfaction on mobility propensity in Taiwan by using an island-wide sample. The following research questions are addressed: (1) To what extent and how does residential satisfaction mediate the effects of background characteristics on mobility propensity? (2) To what extent does the residential satisfaction model need to take emotional attachment into account?
The data for this study are drawn from a larger project titled “Image of Urban Life, Residential Environment and Residential Selection”. A total of 4,379 complete questionnaires were obtained for analysis. Ordinal and binomial logistic regressions were employed to estimate the residential satisfaction models. Results of this study indicate that residential satisfaction and emotional attachment are strong predictors of mobility propensity. The intervening role of residential satisfaction, however, was not fully supported. The individual/household characteristics of age, marital status, presence of children, educational level, and household income were found to have significant direct associationwith mobility propensity. These results are summarized and discussed below.
The data for this study are drawn from a larger project titled “Image of Urban Life, Residential Environment and Residential Selection”. A total of 4,379 complete questionnaires were obtained for analysis. Ordinal and binomial logistic regressions were employed to estimate the residential satisfaction models. Results of this study indicate that residential satisfaction and emotional attachment are strong predictors of mobility propensity. The intervening role of residential satisfaction, however, was not fully supported. The individual/household characteristics of age, marital status, presence of children, educational level, and household income were found to have significant direct associationwith mobility propensity. These results are summarized and discussed below.
提升居住滿意為影響遷移意向與行為之重要誘因,Speare 與其同僚發展出遷移研究之居住滿意模型,該模型假設居住滿意為影響個人及家戶背景因素與遷移之中介變項;傳統遷移研究中扮演重要角色的個人及家戶背景因素之解釋力則因居住滿意之影響而大幅降低。然而後續引用此一居住滿意模型之遷移研究結果並不一致;同時,背景變項中考慮了居住時間,社會網絡等具體社區依附事實,卻忽略了情感層面的依附性亦可能影響遷移意向與行為。本論文企圖檢視考量了情感依附因素之居住滿意模型對於臺灣地區遷移意向之影響。
本研究欲探討之問題為:(1) 居住滿意在遷移決策過程所扮演的角色為何? (2) 情感依附對於遷移意向之影響程度如何?分析之資料取自中央研究院章英華教授與臺灣大學陳東昇教授所主持之「都市意向、居住環境與居住選擇」研究計畫,以抽樣選取之臺灣地區居民為研究對象,共選取了4,379 位受訪者的資料作為分析樣本,並採用順序性邏輯迴歸(Ordered Logistic Regression)以及二元邏輯迴歸(Binomial Logistic Regression)作為主要的統計分析方法。
本研究欲探討之問題為:(1) 居住滿意在遷移決策過程所扮演的角色為何? (2) 情感依附對於遷移意向之影響程度如何?分析之資料取自中央研究院章英華教授與臺灣大學陳東昇教授所主持之「都市意向、居住環境與居住選擇」研究計畫,以抽樣選取之臺灣地區居民為研究對象,共選取了4,379 位受訪者的資料作為分析樣本,並採用順序性邏輯迴歸(Ordered Logistic Regression)以及二元邏輯迴歸(Binomial Logistic Regression)作為主要的統計分析方法。
質性分析 ; 決策 ; 居住地選擇 ; 澳洲 ; 臺灣移民 ; Qualitative analysis ; Decision-making ; Residential choice ; Australia ; Taiwanese migrants
移民的遷移決策過程,可以反映他們的居住偏好與適應情形。本研究主要了解台灣移民在澳洲選擇初次居住地以及再遷移時所考量的因素,決策的過程與機制,並探討他們在澳洲遷移的空間性與地方性的特色。研究方法採用質性分析,主要從澳洲雪梨、布里斯本和墨爾本三大都市中,選擇79 位不同移民時間、居住地區、性別及職業的台灣移民,進行深入訪談。
研究結果發現,他們會因為大都市較有商機的理由選擇雪梨,並以雪梨灣北岸為主要居住地區;會因為天氣好的因素而選擇布里斯本,並集中在南區的Sunnybank 周遭地區;會因為子女教育而選墨爾本,主要分布在市中心向東電車沿線等的好學區地區。其居住地選擇的決策機制在於:需求、能力和適應歷程三者要素間的相互作用。台灣移民會因為自己的需求與能力的不同而選擇自己的居住區域,而且會因在澳洲居住時間的長短與適應的歷程而改變。
研究結果發現,他們會因為大都市較有商機的理由選擇雪梨,並以雪梨灣北岸為主要居住地區;會因為天氣好的因素而選擇布里斯本,並集中在南區的Sunnybank 周遭地區;會因為子女教育而選墨爾本,主要分布在市中心向東電車沿線等的好學區地區。其居住地選擇的決策機制在於:需求、能力和適應歷程三者要素間的相互作用。台灣移民會因為自己的需求與能力的不同而選擇自己的居住區域,而且會因在澳洲居住時間的長短與適應的歷程而改變。
The decision-making process of residential mobility of migrants reflects housing preferences and adaptation. This research examines the initial location and re-location factors of recent Taiwanese immigrants in Australia, their decision-making process and mechanism affecting their moves. Using a qualitative approach, in-depth interviews of seventynine immigrants were carried out in the three major cities of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.
The results from this study show that Sydney was selected because of more opportunities for business, Brisbane for the good weather, and Melbourne for the education of their children. The concentration in each city is based on the three elements of ‘needs’, ‘capital’ and ‘time’ and the interaction of these elements leads to diversification and individual differences in the factors of residential choice. Moreover, the concentration in the suburbs is largely decided by the need to locate in close proximity to their family and friends who form earlier Taiwanese communities. Over time, their residential pattern results from complex decision processes across time and space, differing from international migrants of the past. In spite of being distributed widely in large cities, they are closely related through their social network. They work hard to manage their new lives, while doing their best in contributing to Australian society and their Taiwanese homeland at the same time.
The results from this study show that Sydney was selected because of more opportunities for business, Brisbane for the good weather, and Melbourne for the education of their children. The concentration in each city is based on the three elements of ‘needs’, ‘capital’ and ‘time’ and the interaction of these elements leads to diversification and individual differences in the factors of residential choice. Moreover, the concentration in the suburbs is largely decided by the need to locate in close proximity to their family and friends who form earlier Taiwanese communities. Over time, their residential pattern results from complex decision processes across time and space, differing from international migrants of the past. In spite of being distributed widely in large cities, they are closely related through their social network. They work hard to manage their new lives, while doing their best in contributing to Australian society and their Taiwanese homeland at the same time.
婦女就業類型 ; 中斷就業 ; 持續就業 ; 世代 ; Patterns of female employment ; Interrupted employment ; Continuous employment ; Cohort
本文使用1980 年、1990 年與2000 年之「婦女婚育與就業調查」資料,以三個不同出生世代婦女的就業歷程,分析台灣婦女勞動參與類型與歷程的變遷。結果顯示光復後的婦女勞動參與類型並沒有太大變化,「傳統型」與「中斷型」兩者合計佔了一半左右,反而「持續型」有下降趨勢;最明顯的變化是「傳統型」內的「從未工作者」的比例大幅下降。此一現象隱含著家庭仍然是已婚婦女生活的重心,就業在組織家庭前是必要的,一旦成家之後,工作即可以犧牲,至少是短暫的犧牲。我們進一步分析每一種類型的勞動參與「歷程」,發現主要的變化在於「中斷型」就業者離開勞動市場的年齡延後,而重返勞動市場的時間提前,顯示婦女中斷就業的期間逐漸縮短。
Using data from the “Women’s Marriage, Fertility and Employment Survey”, this paper explores the transitional patterns of female employment after World War Ⅱ in Taiwan. Results show that the patterns of female labor force participation have been quite stable. There is no significant change in conventional and interrupted employment patterns, while continuous participation in the labor force decreased in the past twenty years. That means married women in the present still value family more than work. Seeking employment before getting married is a must done affair and once a family is formed, personal career could be given up, or at least given up for a period. Regarding the impact of life courses on female employment, the major change is found within the category of interrupted employment, in which married women quit from the labor market later and re-entry earlier. The duration of employment interruption for married women is shortening.
戶口住宅普查 ; 地理資訊系統 ; 地址對位分析 ; 空間分派分析 ; Census ; Geographic information system ; GIS ; Address matching ; Spatial allocation
公元2000年的戶口住宅普查除了承襲1990 年的作業方式外,主要有一項重要的變革,即以台北市及高雄市的家戶為對象,增加每一家戶門牌地址的記錄,試辦小統計區的資料整合方式,此一變革大幅提昇後續資料的應用潛力,為我國戶口與住宅普查作業的重大轉捩點。台灣地區的門牌地址基礎系統在國土資訊系統的推動計畫下,於1999 年開始,至今已經完成基隆市、台北市、台中市、嘉義市、台南市、及高雄市等六個主要都市的建置。本文整合上述兩項特性,運用地理資訊系統(geographic information system, GIS)的地址對位分析及空間分派分析(spatial allocation),進行失能者與長期照護設施的供需評估,展現2000 年戶口住宅普查資料的新應用方向。
The 2000 Population and Housing Census has included mailing address of each household in the questionnaire. The corresponding geocoding systems have been built in six major cities of Taiwan according to the National Geographic Information System implementation plan. The integration of mailing address with geo-coding system provides great benefit to the census data. This study employs address match and spatial allocation functionalities in GIS to conduct supply-demand evaluation on disability and long-term care facilities. The results demonstrate great potential usages of the 2000 Census data.