第二十六期人口學刊2003.06 出刊
都市發展階段 ; 中地理論 ; 都市基礎理論 ; 依賴理論 ; 現代化理論 ; 全球經濟整合理論 ; Stages of urban development ; Central place theory ; Urban base theory ; Dependency theory ; Modernization theory ; Global economic integration theory
本研究主要根據台灣自1956 至2000 年間歷次戶口普查統計結果,剖析都市化演進與個別都市化理論在時序和發展階段上的符合性,並評價全國及地方政經結構發展與都市化速度的協調程度。
本研究主要根據台灣自1956 至2000 年間歷次戶口普查統計結果,剖析都市化演進與個別都市化理論在時序和發展階段上的符合性,並評價全國及地方政經結構發展與都市化速度的協調程度。
In Taiwan, it took only forty-four years to achieve the same degree of urbanization that required almost a century in the United States. It is obvious that urbanization is determined by the abundance of land resources as well as the speed of population growth and of economic growth. In turn, urbanization has an impact on the configuration of political economy and the quality of urban life.
Along with the development of cities everywhere in the world, theories concerning urbanization have also evolved from central place theory, urban base theory, dependency theory, modernization theory to global economic integration theory. Based on the Population Census in Taiwan between 1956 and 2000, this paper explores whether and how well these theories fit the development experiences of cities in Taiwan.
Along with the development of cities everywhere in the world, theories concerning urbanization have also evolved from central place theory, urban base theory, dependency theory, modernization theory to global economic integration theory. Based on the Population Census in Taiwan between 1956 and 2000, this paper explores whether and how well these theories fit the development experiences of cities in Taiwan.
Canadian immigrants ; China ; Hong Kong ; Taiwan ; Destination choices ; 加拿大移民 ; 中國大陸 ; 香港 ; 臺灣 ; 目的地選擇
The main purpose of this paper is to explain the initial destination choices of the skilled immigrants from Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan who landed in Canada in 1983-1999, based on an application of a multinomial logit model to the micro data of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Our findings strongly support the human capital investment theory and the ethnic enclave theory. We also found some indications of the increasing importance of transnationalism and the attempts at using Quebec as a stepping stone to settle down in other parts of Canada as landed immigrants. We infer that the heavy concentration of these immigrants in Ontario and British Columbia will persist, and that in the rest of Canada, only Alberta has some chance of increasing significantly its share of these immigrants.
本研究針對加拿大移民局微觀數據進行多項邏輯分析 (Multinomial Logit Analysis),解析1983 至1999 年來自香港、中國大陸和臺灣的加拿大技術移民其初始目的地的選擇問題。我們的結果強有力地支持了人力資本投資理論 (Human Capital Investment Theory) 和種族凝聚理論 (Ethnic Enclave Theory)。亦同時指出了跨國理論 (Transnationalism) 的日益重要性以及以魁北克省作為踏腳石而獲取加拿大移民身份的現象。由此我們可以進一步推論,未來這些技術移民會持續高度聚集於安大略和不列顛哥倫比亞省,而在其它省份當中,只有阿爾伯塔省有可能會有顯著增長。
婚姻滿意度 ; 婚姻觀 ; 夫妻互動模式 ; 衝突因應策略 ; 家庭與社會支持系統 ; Marital satisfaction ; Marriage value ; Conjugal interactional properties ; Resolution toward conjugal conflicts ; Family and community support systems
「婚姻滿意度」是一種主觀的認知,而這樣的認知受到哪些因素影響呢?自1970 年代起,家庭社會學家與婚姻心理學家相繼從社會交換與互動的觀點討論這個問題,而將主要的分析脈絡放置在個人、配偶以及夫妻互動模式等因素,甚少留意家庭因素的影響力。事實上,一個人對於婚姻的整體感受,不是僅憑他和配偶之間的關係來衡量的,婚姻代表的不只是婚姻,必須把它放在整個社會文化結構之下來觀察,才能夠真正了解婚姻的社會定位。尤其,中國式的婚姻觀重視家庭與親屬關係,個人對於婚姻的主觀感受是無法脫離家庭系統而獨立的。本文運用「台灣地區社會變遷基本調查計劃」第四期第二次調查「社會問題組問卷」的資料,分析1677位已婚民眾的婚姻滿意度,藉以檢視台灣民眾的婚姻感受如何受到婚姻以外的家庭因素的影響。
Since 1970, family sociologists and marriage psychologists have attempted to investigate the factors affecting marital satisfaction. Their analyses, however, focused on the impacts of individual, spousal and conjugal interactional properties but paid less attention to the influence of familial systems. In this paper, we emphasize that Chinese marriage value is familial-oriented, and then conceptualize marital satisfaction as an individual subjective assessment of his/her marital and familial situation. Data drawn from the 2001 Taiwan Social Change Survey are employed to examine how conjugal as well as familial factors affect marital satisfaction.
On the basis of reports of 1677 married Taiwanese, 92% of the respondents reported they were satisfied with their marriage. The results of logistic regression analyses indicate that marital satisfaction is associated with cohabitation and supportive resolution toward conjugal conflicts. As hypothesized, familial factors such as family and community support systems have positive impacts on marital satisfaction.
On the basis of reports of 1677 married Taiwanese, 92% of the respondents reported they were satisfied with their marriage. The results of logistic regression analyses indicate that marital satisfaction is associated with cohabitation and supportive resolution toward conjugal conflicts. As hypothesized, familial factors such as family and community support systems have positive impacts on marital satisfaction.
休閒活動 ; 生活滿意 ; 老人 ; 延續理論 ; Leisure activities ; Life satisfaction ; Elderly ; Continuity
本研究是利用台灣省家庭計畫研究所與密西根大學合作收集之1989 及1993 老人生活與健康狀況調查,檢討台灣老人的休閒生活與生活滿意的關係。休閒生活包括社團參與、旅遊活動與休閒活動。檢討之重點有四:(1)各種活動之參與率,(2)參與率的適用理論,(3)活動變化的影響因素及(4)參與率與老人生活品質之關係。
This study uses the survey data of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, which were jointly collected by Taiwan Provincial Family Planning Institute and the University of Michigan in 1989 and 1993, to examine the relationship between leisure activities and life satisfaction among Taiwanese elderly. Here, leisure activities include the participation of informal organizations, travel activities, and other leisure activities. The focus of this examination are fourfold: (1) participation rates of various leisure activities, (2) the applicability of various theories on leisure activities, (3) determinants of leisure activities, and (4) the relationship between leisure activities and life satisfaction.
The analytical results show that the participation rates of informal organization for Taiwanese elderly are relatively low, around 10%, while the rates for travel activities are around 30%-40%. The participation rates for leisure activities vary a lot. Watching TV is almost a unanimous leisure activity for the elderly. The rates for visiting friends and playing with grandchildren are between 50% and 60%; and about 40% for worshiping god or meditation. In brief, the leisure activities for Taiwanese elderly are mostly traditional and static.
The foci of theoretical discussion include: (1) the relationship between activities and role, (2) changes in activities, and (3) the relationship between leisure activities and life satisfaction. The participation of informal organization is more closely related to role than other actives. It has been observed that although the index of informal organization participation remains unchanged for the majority of Taiwanese elderly, there are substantial proportions of the elderly whose index increased or decreased. It is also observed that the increase of informal organization participation has a positive function on life satisfaction. We thus are inclined to conclude that the theory of activity or continuity is the best choice for the case of Taiwan. On the other hand, participation in other leisure activities is unrelated to role. The proportions increased or decreased are greater than those without change. They, however, are positively related to life satisfaction. It seems that the theory of activity is more applicable to other leisure activities. Finally, travel activities are not related to one’s identity either. About half of them had changed their participation rate, and the changes have a negative function on life satisfaction. On the contrary, the index of traveling is positively related to life satisfaction. It seems that none of the theories mentioned in this paper is able to explain the results fully.
The analytical results show that the participation rates of informal organization for Taiwanese elderly are relatively low, around 10%, while the rates for travel activities are around 30%-40%. The participation rates for leisure activities vary a lot. Watching TV is almost a unanimous leisure activity for the elderly. The rates for visiting friends and playing with grandchildren are between 50% and 60%; and about 40% for worshiping god or meditation. In brief, the leisure activities for Taiwanese elderly are mostly traditional and static.
The foci of theoretical discussion include: (1) the relationship between activities and role, (2) changes in activities, and (3) the relationship between leisure activities and life satisfaction. The participation of informal organization is more closely related to role than other actives. It has been observed that although the index of informal organization participation remains unchanged for the majority of Taiwanese elderly, there are substantial proportions of the elderly whose index increased or decreased. It is also observed that the increase of informal organization participation has a positive function on life satisfaction. We thus are inclined to conclude that the theory of activity or continuity is the best choice for the case of Taiwan. On the other hand, participation in other leisure activities is unrelated to role. The proportions increased or decreased are greater than those without change. They, however, are positively related to life satisfaction. It seems that the theory of activity is more applicable to other leisure activities. Finally, travel activities are not related to one’s identity either. About half of them had changed their participation rate, and the changes have a negative function on life satisfaction. On the contrary, the index of traveling is positively related to life satisfaction. It seems that none of the theories mentioned in this paper is able to explain the results fully.