第十二期人口學刊1989.06 出刊
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1979年後,大陸城鎮的行政體制起了巨大的變化,直接地影響到城鎮人口的統計。許多學者常用「城鎮總人口」來作為衡量大陸城鎮化的指標;如用此一指標,則大陸在1984年底,有31.9% 的人口是城鎮人口。本文認為這一數字過分高估了大陸的城鎮化水平,因數字內含有大量農業人口。吾人建議應使用「城鎮非農業人口」來作為衡量城鎮化的標準。如用此一標準,則大陸在1984年底的城鎮化水平,僅為15.7%。
Considerable attention is directed to the post-1979 urban administrative changes that have dramatically enlarged the boundaries of many cities and towns and greatly affected the sizes of their populations. A commonly used indicator of mainland China’s urbanization level is the aggregate population of the officially designated cities and towns. If this indicator is used, then mainland China’s population was 31.9 percent urban in 1984. It is argued that this indicator is inappropriate as it inflates the size of the urban population. A more realistic measure of urbanization is promoted, which excludes the agricultural population of cities and towns and shows that mainland China was merely 15.7 percent urban in 1984.
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For those persons age 15 and above, the relationship with head of household and education can discriminate yes/no mov-in registration and yes/no residence in without registration. Those persons who are not the members of nuclear family of head of household and college graduates have higher probability not registering for their residence. However the most significant discriminant variables to discriminate yes/no registration in without residence in this household is marital status; the single has 10 times of probability of registration inaccuracy as the married. Finally, this research suggests that all the persons with demographic characteristics which have higher probability of inaccuracy of migration registration need to be checked more often.
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- 1.證實需求──擴散模型在臺灣的生育轉型中,扮演非常重要的角色,即生育控制行為是由都會中心擴散到外圍鄉村地區。但在另一方面卻發現一無法確定的矛盾現象,即實施已久的家庭計畫與限制生育行為之間並無直接關係。
- 2.調適模型中的自變項,諸如丈夫的教育程度及職業與消費性家庭設備指數等,對於家庭規模均有重要的影響。
- 3.此外,對於臺灣生育轉型行為的解釋,以調適模型的影響較顯著。
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Evidence presented in this paper indicates that there was a significant technological improvement in Taiwan in the period 1980-1985. Meanwhile, industrial and occupational structures have transformed gradually. The structural changes became a pull factor to migrants. Migrants were thus different from nonmigrants. They were more likely to take jobs with advanced technology and more responsive to shift in industrial structure.
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The method of multivariate regression analysis was performed to distinguish the effects of these variables. Higher birth orders, male births and low family income were associated with high mortality. Duration of breastfeeding, maternal education and larger rural places showed negative effects on mortality. Although the variables, piped water and health center/dispensary services were not significant, they exhibited the expected negative influence on mortality. Recommendations for reducing mortality are suggested.
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The first movement, containing macro- and micro-elements pertains to Blacks. It follows in the wake of the acknowledgement that restrictive policies have failed to curb Black urbanization in “White” areas despite the establishment since 1960 of some 100 new towns in the homelands. As Blacks are still the least urbanized group in South Africa, have numerical superiority, as well as the highest rate of population growth of the four groups, their potential for urbanization is the greatest. These realities have caused the government to abolish influx control. Free movement is now possible but the already overpopulated Black townships adjacent to “White” cities cannot accommodate large numbers of in-coming people. Furthermore the Group Areas Act, which determines the place where population groups may reside is still in force, effectively closing “White” urban centres to Blacks-however the first signs of a breakdown of this act are noticeable. Normative policies facilitating societal change are obviously required.
The second movement, also of a macro-nature and relating to Indians, is very recent. Until the beginning of 1987 Indians, the major Asian group, were barred from residing in the Orange Free State. Since the scrapping of these restrictive measures they have been quick to respond and, though numbers are still small, Indians have moved into this province necessitating land allocation to them albeit subject to the Group Act.
The third movement pertains to elderly Whites in Pretoria. It is illustrative of evolutionary micro-migration in urban areas and as such reflects changes in life-cycle in relation to socio-economic status. It is used as an indicator of possible intra-urban movements in a normalised future South African society.
1. Fertility in India: An Econometric Analysis of a Metropolis,
by S. C. Gulati. Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1988. 203 pp. ISBN: 0-8039-9562-8(USA), 81-7036-099-4(India)
2. Fertility and Mortality: Theory, Methodology and Empirical Issues,
edited by K. Mahadevan, with P. J. Reddy and D. A. Naidu. Sage Publications, New Delhi, Beverly Hills, London, 1986. 351 pp.
3. Social Development, Cultural Change and Fertility Decline: A Study of Fertility Change in Kerala,
by K. Mahadevan and M. Sumangala. Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1987. 190 pp.
4. Infant Mortality in India: Differentials and Determinants,
edited by Jain A. K. and Visaria P. Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1988.